Haven't done a Weekly Roundup in a while, and there is an incredible backlog of music in my inbox just waiting to be shared, so let's get right to the tunes and videos.
–Gentleman Reg is a sometime associate of Arts & Crafts who just released a new EP last week called Leisure Life Part 2. Check out the catchy "Make It Better," in which making the wrong choices sounds so good.
-Mountains often have symbolic value in art, usually as something to conquer or an obstacle to overcome. They are also quite beautiful of their own merit, a powerful presence that enhances the physical landscape. To me this song by Trails and Ways gets at both of these aspects with its joyful guitar lines, beats, and melodies. It's a fitting tribute. Listen below and check out the video here.
-Here's an interesting track from Fold. It's called "Mr. President, We're In Trouble," and it takes snippets of speech from Jimmy Carter and matches them to an entrancing, atmospheric backbeat.
-Let's keep things dreamy and electronic and get even more dance-y with a new track from Nicole Brenny's project Vague-a-bonde. It's called "Evolved" and is a real joy to listen to.
-We are will be featuring more on the great Chapel Hill, North Carolina band I Was Totally Destroying It in the coming weeks, but you have to check out their video for "My Internal Din." It cleverly portrays the feeling of doing something you don't enjoy and feeling stuck while you dream about something else – being "a major letdown." The performance segments outside the office feel cathartic as a result. The song is great and leads off their recently released Vexations album.
I Was Totally Destroying It – "My Internal Din" from The Iron Curtain Media Group on Vimeo.
-Another video I'm enjoying is this clip for the scorching blues-rock of Black Pistol Fire for "Trigger On My Fire." This whirling dervish of a duo performs a blistering set in a comically tiny "venue" but that doesn't faze them from putting on a hell of a show.
-I have some exciting things to share from previously featured artists as well. Tidelands are back with a new album and another great video for their song "Coil." It depicts a Ferris Bueller-esque day in the life of two teenage girls escaping into San Francisco. Everything about it is great.
-The new album from California Wives Art History finally came out last week. You should all check it out. Here's the latest single "Blood Red Youth," another stunning track from this talented band.
-Besides being a musician, Joe Brook has a fondness for hiking and backpacking. He's journeyed through the Alaskan wilderness following the footsteps of Christopher McCandless, the subject of Into the Wild book and film. Joe performed a lovely rendition of "Girl From the North Country" while visiting the famed bus where McCandless spent time. Here's the very cool video of it.