Gorilla Warfare Tactics – RewindRhyme
One of the most promising hip hop acts emerging today, Gorilla Warfare Tactics, just released their first song since they dropped their Premier EP back in February. That EP has become one of my most listened to albums this year, so I've been waiting anxiously to see what the boys would do next.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: piano-led hip hop tracks get me everytime. Add in live (at least live sounding) drums and you've got the recipe for a Kyle guarantee. "RewindRhyme" is as solid, catchy, and rooted in nostalgia as we've come to expect from the young trio. GWT continue to carve out a unique, soulful sound in the oversaturated world of backpack blog rap. I wouldn't be surprised if these guys become a household name after releasing a proper album.