Three Red Crowns & The Chris Pumphrey Sextet at the Creative Alliance

Good morning Baltimore. This Thursday night at the Creative Alliance is a show that you're not going to want to miss. The featured performers are Three Red Crowns and the Chris Pumphrey Sextet. Tickets and general information can be found here and your RSVP love can be directed toward the facebook event page here. Doors open at 7:30 and the music begins at 8:00.

The Chris Pumphrey Sextet is a favorite of TWD and you should check out our past articles about them here. Meanwhile, Three Red Crowns is the brainchild of Anna Meadors and John Paul Carillo and is an up and coming Baltimore project which boasts an unexpected and expansive cast of instrumentalists. Three Red Crowns represents the best of Baltimore's musical creative class. They are a genre baffling orchestra with rock and roll energy backed up by their palpable compositional and instrumental prowess. The combination of Chris Pumphrey's visceral jazz and Three Red Crowns forward thinking aural and visual performance will prove to be a happening you can't afford to miss.

Read on for more information regarding the event as well as additional music and video from the artists. We'll also show you a sneak peak at TRC's exceedingly hip stop-motion animation video for their piece In The Right Light which they will also be premiering Thursday.


Laura Gibson and Some Thoughts on the Clarinet

Good afternoon Dig Nation. I spent the morning digging through the interwebs admiring videos from one of my favorite female singer/songwriters Laura Gibson when I found a new video for her beautiful song Milk-Heavy, Pollen-Eyed. The song is from her album La Grande which can be purchased here.

Regardless, watching this video set me off on a bit of a diatribe about the clarinet that starts at Laura Gibson and weaves through Glenn Miller, Eric Dolphy, and the Low Anthem. Read on for lots of clarinet laden music listening and then hit up the comments section to let us know what your favorite song featuring the instrument is. You dig?


Dark Dark Dark: What I Needed EP

Just before embarking on an extensive European tour this May, TWD favorite Dark Dark Dark is set to release a new EP April 23 entitled What I Needed. In anticipation of this they have released a three song teaser with the superb title track What I Needed front and center.

If you need a reminder of Dark Dark Dark's previous work, check out my past TWD articles about them here. Read on for my full thoughts. 


David Pollack

As part of the release of Digcast X, the third installment of my NYC music series, I'm doing feature posts on each band in the podcast. We resume this week with David Pollack, a talented singer-songwriter and producer who primarily plays acoustic guitar and sings. He has loads of experience as a busker and he's gearing up for an exciting slate of releases throughout 2013.