NYC Shows This Weekend 3/1 & 3/2
Dave is holding it down with another great show in Baltimore this week with the Ballroom Thieves, but there is plenty going on in New York City, too. Here are some show picks for the weekend.
Dave is holding it down with another great show in Baltimore this week with the Ballroom Thieves, but there is plenty going on in New York City, too. Here are some show picks for the weekend.
Hold on to your socks Baltimore because we are doing it again. Those Who Dig is proud to present The Ballroom Thieves live this Friday March 1st at Liams Flynn's Ale House (22 W. North Avenue) starting at 8:30. There is no cover charge for this show but any and all support for our traveling troubadours is appreciated by way of tip or purchase of their merchandise. You can RSVP for the concert by stopping by our facebook event page and then when you're at the show please tweet Those Who Dig and the band your thoughts and/or photos with the hastag #twdpresents. We always love to hear from the Dig Nation.
You may remember The Ballroom Thieves from an article I wrote here last year but just in case you missed it they are comprised of Martin Earley (Guitar/Vocals) Devin Mauch (Percussion/Vocals) and Rachel Gawell (Cello/Vocals). This fly by night indie folk trio has been successfully romping around the country by way of Boston for over two years now and it's high time that they broke into town for their Baltimore debut.
The Ballroom Thieves are not to be missed. With three part harmony, thoughtful songwriting, ripping cello solos, and a relentlessly engaging live persona The Ballroom Thieves bring energy and talent together in their music. Their debut EP The Devil & The Deep is a five song tour of the band's wide emotional pallet and sonic potential. Read on for the full article as well as a video performance of their song Down By The River.
See you Friday night Baltimore!
Saintseneca is the collection of Zac Little, Steva Jacobs, Grace Chang, Luke Smith, Maryn Jones, and Steve Ciolek. Being that they all grew up together in Columbus Ohio they like to say that "Childhood and Chance" brought them together. It's a beautiful thought which reflects both the immediate appeal of their sound and the depth of their sentiment. The band is in the fortunate company of Denver and Barna Howard on Mama Bird Recording Co. and if you've been keeping tabs on us at TWD you'll know that Denver is a favorite around these parts (previous articles).
The streaming EP below was released in October of last year and I have been absolutely loving Saintseneca's broad emotional pallet and forthright vocals. Saintseneca sounds like a modern day revival meeting where both emotion and music flow abundantly. While they are not currently on tour you can keep in touch with the band via Facebook and I look forward to following the band's work in the coming months and years. Saintseneca is shaping up to be one of my favorite new discoveries of 2013. You dig?
Team Dig had a very awesome weekend. Kyle and I went down to Baltimore to check out the Home Brew Hullabaloo thrown by Dave. It was a rousing success. We had a lot of fun in Charm City the rest of the weekend, too. The slight downside was that there was no time for a Weekly Roundup yesterday, so here's a quick one for y'all now.
Last month on January 18th, we put on our second Those Who Dig showcase. It was at Union Hall and featured three Brooklyn bands we dig: Los Encantados, Chase King, and The Soft Collapse. It was awesome. Check out our recap, complete with photos.
How's everyone doing? Ready for the latest Weekly Roundup? Hope so, because here it is.
You may have noticed a relative lack of posts on my part over the past month or so. I finally have replaced my computer and am ready to get back to sharing great music. I want to start off with some cool videos I've seen from Brooklyn acts.
It's February and that can mean only one thing, Valentine's day is almost here. Well maybe Febrary can mean more than one thing, in fact, it definitely can and does, but for the sake of this article just go with me.
Does your valentine remember what you got him or her last year? What about two years ago? No? I didn't think so, but don't worry, this year doesn't have to be like that! Thanks to The Valentonez you can make your Valentines Day gesture as memorable as sky writing without all the regret for wasted fossil fuels, cloud coverage, or lack of a good excuse to be outside in the first place.
The Valentonez are a collection Baltimore based musicians who have collaborated to bring your intended a surprising, singing, heart-tingling, and personalized Valentine message. They are: Paul Diem, (guitar and vocals) Britt Olsen-Ecker, (vocals and whistling) Aldo Pantoja, (guitar and vocals) and Melissa Wimbish, (vocals and clarinet).
Here's how it works: You pick a song or songs from their repertoire list that best captures your feelings, book a time and place for the magic to happen, and then sit back and relax as the Valentonez woo the socks right off your best guy or gal. You can contact them via their Webpage, Facebook, or Twitter to make sure that your valentine gets the gift that they will remember for years to come. As they say, chocolate melts and flowers die, but the Valentonez will get you laid. You dig?
The Valentonez
It's been a little while since the last Weekly Roundup due to computer issues, but we are back this week with some great songs and videos for you all to enjoy, so dig in.
The Great American Novel has released a new song "This Song Will Make You Love Me" and it's awesome.