hexaCollective: Winter Marathon Concert

The hexaCollective is a relatively new project in the Balitmore/DC area. If you have not yet had the pleasure of getting to know them, let me introduce you. Dig Nation, this is the hexaCollective. hexaCollective, this is the Dig Nation. Let's be friends. You dig? 

hexaCollective is a group of singers and instrumentalists that works to fill the niche of diverse chamber and solo music programming.

The origin of the name hexaCollective draws from the six voice categories (soprano, mezzo-soprano, alto, tenor, baritone, bass). The collective also includes instrumentalists, composers and others collaborators.

This Baltimore/DC based group's foundation is centered on the desire to explore possibilities in new works, some commissioned specifically for the ensemble or rarely performed pieces, with the intent of premiering several such works. 

This consortium of talented and adroit musicians is gathering Saturday Dec. 10th at The Mt. Vernon Music Space, 1015 N. Charles St. for their Winter Marathon Concert. Like the collective itself, it will traverse time and genre with music from Xenakis, Ravel, Vivaldi, Boulanger, and Debussy. Tickets are $5 for children/students and $10 for adults.  The concert will begin with the vocal portion of the show at 6:15 pm before yielding to the instrumental serving at 7:30.

Read on for more information about the hexaCollective as well as a video of their delightful singing from a recent performance.


Atlantic Guitar Quartet Concert Update

By now I don't think it comes as a surprise that I am living multiple lives as a blogger, teacher, and performer. My classical guitar quartet the Atlantic Guitar Quartet is a major focus of my creative energy and we have done extraordinarily well in our short life span as speaker heads for contemporary classical music. Currently, we are performing the music of Ron PearlRoland Dyens, and Olivier Bensa. The combined language of these composers makes for a concert experience that explores different techniques, sounds, colors, and offers the audience the visual intrigue that only contemporary concerts can. A recording of the work Paroles from Bensa is attached below which was from a recent AGQ performance at Salisbury University.

Our next performance is at the Jordan Faye Contemporary Gallery in Baltimore MD this December 10th at 7:30. Advance ticket sales can be found via Ticket Leap, and more information regarding the quartet and this concert can be found over at Facebook and Twitter. The quartet will also be recording this week so give the twitter account a follow for pictures from the studio!


Weekly Roundup: Nov 27 – Dec 3, 2011

This Weekly Roundup is feeling a little bittersweet, as it is very likely the last installment of 2011. We need to pause it because we'll be busy with year-end features and so that we can prepare some changes to the Roundup format for 2012. Don't worry, it'll definitely be back in a few weeks and there is still one last great batch of songs and videos awaiting you once you click through!


Vinyl Giveaway Contest – Saint Motel


Here's an exciting new thing for Those Who Dig. We have five copies of the new 7-inch record from Saint Motel to give away to five of you lucky readers! It's called 7"1 and features the songs "At Least I Have Nothing" and "Puzzle Pieces," both of which have been featured in Weekly Roundup (here and here, respectively).

All you have to do is send us (@ThseWhoDig) and Saint Motel (@SaintMotel) a tweet. Maybe tell us something you think is cool about the music. And why not like Saint Motel on Facebook? (Or Those Who Dig for that matter, wink-wink).

You can listen to "At Least I Have Nothing" below, but don't waste too much time before you tweet if you want some free vinyl! Good luck!

SAINT MOTEL – At Least I Have Nothing by saintmotel


Plants and Animals – Lightshow

Plants and Animals – Lightshow by SecretCityRecords

It's so supremely satisfying and comforting when you hear a song that just speaks to you, directly, at a certain time. It's like the artist reached in your brain and spilled your thoughts all over the recording studio. It's almost like you don't want to share the song with anyone else – after all it was made just for you, right?

Fortunately for you guys, I have a music blog and sharing great tunes is kinda what I do. I've been having a tough time lately finding the time/will/energy to post on TWD, but luckily the other Digsters are holding it down. I haven't given up on music or the site – just in a bit of a motivational lull lately and some major life changes have been brewing that tend to take up my thoughts. I needed a spark to light a fire under my ass and it came yesterday courtesy of Kyle the Music Savage (Gardener).

This new song from Montreal-based band Plants and Animals came through my speakers with a 2×4 in hand and whacked me right in the forehead. It starts out simply enough with a carefully strummed acoustic melody and clear vocals. It's when the drums kick in and I started to parse my way through the varying tempo that I realized I was listening to something special. That crunchy guitar breakdown in the middle is the release of every gnawing feeling that weighs on you in times of struggle. It's the aggression at your fingertips clawing for a way out. Shit, I love this song.

Plants and Animals release The End Of That on Secret City Records at the end of February, so be on the lookout.