Buke and Gase

I don't know the best way to describe Buke & Gase, but I think that is part of what makes them so interesting. This is a duo of a woman named Arone Dyer and a man named Aron Sanchez and I highly encourage you all to give a listen to their unique sound.


Thelonious Monk: Underground

Jazz musician, fictitious revolutionary, dancer, and one of the all time best hat wearers ever. Thelonious Monk is relentlessly individual and undeniably influential. His 1968 Columbia release, Underground, typifies his personality, compositional prowess, and piano aesthetic.

Those Who Dig would like to welcome Thelonious Monk into The Shrine

Thelonious Monk: Raise Four


Louis Andriessen

Louis Andriessen is a living legend.

However, he has been living under the radar and odds are if you aren't into Dutch post-minimalism you haven't been fully exposed to the weird grandeur of his compositions.

Louis Andriessen: Hout


The Blogger Lowdown w/ dysonsound


The Blogger Lowdown is a feature where we ask the good people who run our favorite, essential blogs to give some insight on themselves and their sites. There are some great resources for discovering all kinds of music on the interwebs and our hope is to introduce you to a few of these outlets and the people behind them. Up today is music lover, vinyl enthusiast, and resident music blog technician, Matt Dyson of dysonsound.


Young Circles



I've always had a soft spot for "art punk" bands, as vague and misleading as that label may be. If nothing else, it means that the music is intelligent and interesting. In the case of Young Circles, it's both and more. A lot more.

Young Circles – Sharp Teeth